Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
Print version ISSN 1676-7314
PEREZ-RAMOS, Aidyl M. Q.; BONIFACIO E SILVA, Maria Ângela; MOREIRA, Sibele Neves and FORNAZARI, Silvia. A importância da avaliação da competência social em educandos com deficiência intelectual. Psic [online]. 2003, vol.4, n.1, pp.30-41. ISSN 1676-7314.
When analyzing the evaluation of the social competence in students with intellectual deficiency, this contribution gives continuity to the studies that a psychologists' group is accomplishing with the Gunsburg Social Competence Inventory, known as PAC (Progress Assesment Chart) in APAE of Bauru. Its purpose to verify the importance of the grupal and individual social competence, from 30 students, among 3 to 21 years old, of several degrees of intellectual deficiency (terms adopted from the International Inclusion Association that congregates the Federations of APAE, around the world). The participants of the study were divided in sub-groups of 10, according to the three scales of the inventory. The comparative results intra and inter groups indicate appropriate subsidies for a better refining in the several areas of the social competence in order to facilitate the student inclusion in the regular education or the job market. In spite of the variability of the discoveries, it is possible to detect the most and also the least, prepared group for this inclusion, in function of the performance in the areas of PAC.
Keywords : Social competence; Intelectual deficience; PAC; Educational inclusion.