Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
Print version ISSN 1676-7314
DALL´AGNOL, Rosângela de Sant´Anna. A sexualidade no contexto contemporâneo: permitida ou reprimida?. Psic [online]. 2003, vol.4, n.2, pp.26-31. ISSN 1676-7314.
This article focus the relevance of refletion facing the dichotomy constantly present to the human being - to be masculine or to be feminine - and that requires an option long before it could be felt or perceived. This imposition in many cases makes impossible the experience of happiness, purity and fantasy that could (or should) characterize the learning experience of each subject. The understanding of these aspects assumes multi/interdisciplinary jobs, aiming to encompass the essential contributions from areas of knowledge that are fundamental to the understanding of sexuality, such as Psychology, Anthropology, Biology and History, ando so on. Associated to this aspect is the urgency to intensify the consciousness related to the existent relationships between the science and the human condition, since the natural sciences and the human sciences have been developed without reaching a proper and necessary integration. As a result, there is a knowledge of the world dissociated from its inhabitants, and also the knowledge from those men is out of the context from their environments.
Keywords : Ssexuality; To be masculine; To be feminine; Contemporaneousness.