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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora

Print version ISSN 1676-7314


GEBARA, Angela Cristini; ROSA, José Tolentino; SIMON, Ryad  and  YAMAMOTO, Kayoko. Investigate Therapeutic Effectiveness of Theorized Interpretation in the Short-term Psychoterapy. Psic [online]. 2004, vol.5, n.1, pp.06-15. ISSN 1676-7314.

The main objective of this study is to investigate therapeutic effectiveness of Theorized Interpretation in the Operatio-nallized Short-term Psychotherapy. Ten Patients, men and women, of ages ranging from 18 to 40 years old, were studied by clinical delineation of Psychoanalytic Approach. After a initial phase of evaluation, the “Problem Situations” were determined based on the Operationallized Adaptive Diagnostic Scale (EDAO-R). During this phase, data of patients’ evolution since childhood up to now were surveved. We have analyzed the solutions they found during moments of crisis as well as in adverse situations. The adaptive sectors evaluated were: Affective-relational (A-R); Productivity (Pr), Socio-cultural (S-C) and Organic (Or). After 12-week Operationallized Short-term Psychotherapy, we have verified the effectiveness of Intellectualized Interpretation. All subjects have shown adaptive evolution after the therapeutic process. Changes were observed by a comparative analysis of Interpretations with the solutions found by each subject. We have detected changes in 9 patients for diagnostic groups with greater adaptive effectiveness. We have confirmed such changes by subsequent follow up. We have concluded that Theorized Interpretation was effective in Groups 3 e 4 of EDAO (Moderate and Severe, respectively), both in emergency situations and in adverse situations.

Keywords : Short-term psychoterapy; Interpretation; Operationallized Adaptative Diagnostic Scale (EDAO); Object Relations.

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