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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
Print version ISSN 1676-7314
DAMIANI, Patrizia and DOS SANTOS, Jenny. Typical responses on the Düss Fables Tests and its power to discriminate between children that presents or not emotional problems. Psic [online]. 2004, vol.5, n.1, pp.22-33. ISSN 1676-7314.
The objetive of the present research is to define the typical responses to the Düss Fables Test in a sample of 240 children in scholar age (8, 9, 10 years) of a midium/high social economical level of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas, Venezuela. As well it is pretended to determine the power of the test to discriminate between children that even present or not emotional problems. The correction will be done in base of the check list proposed by Tardivo (1998), and also the indicators propose by Koppitz (1976) in the Draw a Person Test will be used for extern criteria of validation. For the results analysis the reliability will be calculated by the agreement between independent observers and for the validity a factor analysis will be done, which moreover will allow to obtain the factorial scores which will be used to calculate the t test and the ANOVA, with the means to determine the power of the test to identify emotional problems.
Keywords : Fables Test; Düss Fables; Emotional problems; Projective test; Draw a Person test by Koppitz; Typical responses.