Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
Print version ISSN 1676-7314
RODRIGUES, Ida Janete and DE MACEDO, Elizeu Coutinho. Visual motor constructive skills of children with school difficulties complaints submitted to psicodiagnosis. Psic [online]. 2004, vol.5, n.2, pp.48-55. ISSN 1676-7314.
Test, of patients sent to the Diagnostic Centre of the Institution for Mentaly Disabled. The protocols of 90 children with learning difficulties complaints were analysed. The patients were grouped with regard to presence of detectable encephalopathies or behavioral/emotionals problems. Results indicate that the performance of the evaluated patients in the Bender test was significantly below the score expected for average population. Significant correlation between the level of intelligence and the performance in the Bender test has been observed (r=0,565). Analyses of variance indicate that the performance of the group with chronic encephalopathy was inferior to the one of patients with behavioral problems mainly for: Level of Intelligence, Total Bender Score and Corrected Bender Score. Analysis of the frequency of error occurrence of the 30 factors of Koppitz showed that: Incorrect Integration (factor 8), Angles (21b) and Rotation (22, 13, 16 and 11) have occurred with greater frequency. On the other hand, Straight Line (18b), Form Deterioration (17a) and Perseveration (9) were the most correctly executed by the evaluated subjects.
Keywords : Bender Test; Neuropsychological assessment; Learning disability; Mentaly disabled.