Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
Print version ISSN 1676-7314
GUIDETTI, Andréia Arruda and MARTINELLI, Selma de Cássia. Reading comprehesion and writing performance of the elementary school children. Psic [online]. 2007, vol.8, n.2, pp.175-184. ISSN 1676-7314.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between the reading comprehension and the writing performance of students from the first cycle of the elementary school. 148 children, aged between eight and twelve years old, attending at three public schools, took part in this study. The reading comprehension was evaluated by a text elaborated according to the Cloze test technique, and the writing performance by a writing evaluation scale. The result revealed significant value in the correlation test, suggesting that the higher is the reading comprehension, the better is the writing performance.
Keywords : Writing evaluation; Cloze test technique; Education.