Avaliação Psicológica
Print version ISSN 1677-0471
LAROS, Jacob A; REIS, Rafaela F and TELLEGEN, Peter J. INDICATIONS OF THE CONVERGENT VALIDITY OF THE NON-VERBAL TEST OF INTELLIGENCE SON-R 2½-7[A]. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2010, vol.9, n.1, pp.43-52. ISSN 1677-0471.
This study aimed to investigate the convergent validity of the nonverbal test of intelligence SON-R 2½-7[a] in Brazil. This test is the abridged edition of the SON-R 2½-7 nonverbal test of intelligence that was published in 1998 in The Netherlands with normatization and validation studies realized in various European countries. The abridged edition was administered in Brazil to 120 children with ages varying between 5 and 7 years together with Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM) and the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (EMMC). The correlation, corrected for attenuation, of the SON-R 2½-7[a] with these two tests was .77 and .62, respectively. A particularly strong relationship was observed between the CPM and the performance scale of the SON-R 2½-7[a], and between the EMMC and the SON-R reasoning scale. The results of this study indicate a fair convergent validity of the SON-R 2½-7[a] for the investigated age group.
Keywords : Nonverbal tests of intelligence; Convergent validity; SON-R 2½-7[a]; Correction for attenuation.