Serviços Personalizados
Avaliação Psicológica
versão impressa ISSN 1677-0471versão On-line ISSN 2175-3431
AMBIEL, Rodolfo A. M. et al. Analysis of Psychological Assessments Disciplines Syllabus: New Times, Old Issues. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2019, vol.18, n.1, pp.21-30. ISSN 1677-0471.
The aim of this study was to retrieve and analyze the syllabuses of psychological assessment disciplines of Psychology courses in Brazil. For this, the discipline syllabuses available on the websites of educational institutions registered by the MEC were accessed. After selecting the discipline syllabuses, they were divided into units of text and classified based on the Guidelines for Teaching Psychological Evaluation. A total of 478 discipline syllabuses of 133 institutions were retrieved. The disciplines were distributed from the first to the ninth semester, with emphasis on the fourth, fifth and sixth semesters. The workload was considered insufficient given the amount of basic issues to be addressed. There was also emphasis on the teaching of test techniques to the detriment of disciplines directed toward a broader understanding of the process, such as the use of other assessment techniques (interviews and observation, among others), report writing and psychometrics. Much still needs to be modified to achieve the minimum quality in the area.
Palavras-chave : psychology education; higher education; psychological testing; psychology; universities.