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Psicologia em Revista
versión impresa ISSN 1677-1168
MANO, Gustavo; WEINMANN, Amadeu y MEDEIROS, Roberto. The passion towards the automaton: the machinic condition. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2018, vol.24, n.2, pp.506-523. ISSN 1677-1168.
In this article we intend to explore the displays of automaton figure on movies and the passion it arouses. Written in the form of an essay, this paper traces the automaton genealogy inside our culture, from Ancient Greece to Hollywood, and his presence in cinema history, pointing out some of the movies where its multiple appearances are represented. We have highlighted from the automaton occurrence on movies, the traces checked at contemporary times in this composition, underlining the filiation to mankind, the robotic nature and the submission to fate. Keeping a dialogue with psychoanalytical theory, the authors explore the concepts of the double and the repetition compulsion, marking the automaton figure as a double of the contemporary subject, embodying the fantasy of denying the uneasiness produced as a legacy of technicality, scientism and late capitalism. Our conclusion is that the movies automata unveil the truth hiding under the status of fiction: contemporary subjects fantasize the ideals of machinic condition
Palabras clave : Cinema; Automaton; Contemporary; Psychoanalysis.