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Revista da SPAGESP
versão impressa ISSN 1677-2970
RISK, Eduardo Name e ROMANELLI, Geraldo. Group sociability between young adults from low income families: subjectivity and gender. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2008, vol.9, n.2, pp.45-49. ISSN 1677-2970.
Youth assumes particular characteristics according to the sociocultural and historical context. The socialization of the young adults occurs by institutions like family and school, responsible for the transmission of values and behavior models to the new generations. The coexisting between the pairs allows young adults to incorporate general attributes of the group which they are part of. The references of identity built in the group of pairs and in family are essential for the constitution of the subjectivity and masculinity youth. The present article aims to discuss the constitution of the subjectivity and masculinity of young adults from low income families, from the sociability relations experienced by them. The masculinity dimension, that should not be reduced to virility, includes the social trades composing affectivity, evidencing the complexity of the group sensibility of these young adults.
Palavras-chave : Young adults; Gender; Masculinity; Subjectivity; Lower class.