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Revista da SPAGESP

Print version ISSN 1677-2970


DIETRICHKEIT, Isabela Bergier. Meetings for the construction of collective reflections: a possibility of dealing with mental distress in addition to consultation. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2010, vol.11, n.1, pp.05-15. ISSN 1677-2970.

This study describes a way to expand the opportunities for people with mental distress to understand their complaints and, in consequence, to improve. It was noticed during the psychiatric consultations that behind the symptoms of the patients, human existential difficulties were hidden, such as intolerance to periods of sadness that can be part of life. Such difficulties remained unconscious, as if the symptoms were something that arose from nowhere, causing exaggerated expectations and passivity in the exclusive effect of drugs. We created meetings open to the population, with the intention to invite, through themes and provocative presentations, participants to join an active and conjoint reflection. These meetings were intended to encourage the emergence of new perspectives and attitudes towards symptoms, positioning the "patient / sufferer" in the role of co-creator of new possibilities in response to suffering and life itself, and finally, promoting the transformation of symptom into the possibility of cure.

Keywords : Mental distress; Symptoms; Transformation; Healing.

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