Serviços Personalizados
Revista da SPAGESP
versão impressa ISSN 1677-2970
FERNANDES, Waldemar José. Loneliness and communication process. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2010, vol.11, n.1, pp.77-85. ISSN 1677-2970.
In this paper some reflections are raised on loneliness, linking and communication. Everyday expressions, used by patients and professionals, are questioned including those on the so-called syndrome or disorder - labels to have something to believe in. The words are merely summaries that we use as convenient and lighter substitute of things. Any person who communicates intends to influence someone else and produce some kind of answer, even though he or she doesn’t know about it. The truth is that an inevitable loneliness takes place because of the vicissitudes and misunderstandings of communication. As therapists, it’s not worth being obstinate interpreters. It’s important to search how communication takes place for this individual: whom was it directed to? Why? How? How efficient was it? How was it received? What did other participants in the linking process feel and do about it etc. on what was being talked about? Why did he or she even say it that way, here and now, what was his or her tone of voice, posture and look? It’s also worth trying to capture the common or related issues establishing if there’s message from the group or part of the group, and who is it directed to, since, pretty often, it aims to influence the therapist who needs to be aware of his or her narcissism.
Palavras-chave : Loneliness; Linking; Communication; Messages; Sense of words.