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Revista da SPAGESP

Print version ISSN 1677-2970


SILVA, Bruno de Brito  and  CERQUEIRA-SANTOS, Elder. Social support in the social identity of travestites, transsexuals and transgender people. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2014, vol.15, n.2, pp.27-44. ISSN 1677-2970.

Transsexuality and travestility are ways of experiencing human sexuality that face the male/female sexual binarism established for bodies and genders. Due to strong stigmatization and prejudice, these individuals need a social support network that encourages the development of an identity experience without pathologizing them but based on social integration. Thus, this theoretical study sought to explore the idea of social identity in transsexuals and transvestites from the concepts of gender, body, sexuality and the importance and influence of social support and fostering in the Trans universe. It is observed that transsexual or transvestite identities are in constant contact and under continuous influence of the social environment subjects are inserted. Due to limited literature in Brazil associating social support network factors and social identity, this study contributes to the literature on human sexuality proposing a theoretical dialogue between Developmental Psychology, Positive Psychology and Gender Studies.

Keywords : gender; transvestility; transsexuality; social identity; social support.

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