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Revista da SPAGESP
versão impressa ISSN 1677-2970
MELO, Sheila Caroline Hnediuk de e MARIN, Angela Helena. Influence of single-parent families on child development: literature review. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2016, vol.17, n.1, pp.04-13. ISSN 1677-2970.
The aim of the study was to conduct a literature review to identify the influence of single-parent families on child development. Consulted databases were LILACS, PsycINFO, SciELO and BVS on the period of January 2010 to April 2015. In the six selected articles we identified the year of publication, country of origin and the focus of the study, as well as its methodological features and main findings. Results indicate an increased risk of developing psychological disorders, development of behavioral and learning problems and highlight the importance of multidisciplinary interventions with families, especially in social and psychological spheres, aiming to assist its members in the performance of their roles and functions.
Palavras-chave : family composition; single-parent family; child development.