Revista da SPAGESP
Print version ISSN 1677-2970
OLIVEIRA-CARDOSO, Érika Arantes de; GARCIA, Juliana Tomé; SANTOS, Lucas Lotério dos and SANTOS, Manoel Antônio dos. Communicating bad news in a general hospital: patient's perspective. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2018, vol.19, n.1, pp.90-102. ISSN 1677-2970.
The aim of this study is to understand the ways the patient receives a diagnosis of a potentially fatal disease. The sample consisted of 17 patients of both sexes, aged over 18 years. The instrument used for data collection was a semi-structured interview script, focused on the time of diagnosis. The results were analyzed qualitatively. Three categories emerged: the unsaid, the scary words, the calming information. It is concluded that receiving the bad news, in the context investigated, raises an overload of anxiety. Hhowever, the way information is transmitted, the reception capacity and the affective availability of the professional responsible for communication are factors that contribute to minimize or accentuate the patient's emotional reactions. The professional must be technically qualified to perform this task, considering that the quality of communication can be determinant for patients' hability to cope and their adherence to treatment.
Keywords : communication; diagnosis; health professionals education; psychology.