Revista da SPAGESP
Print version ISSN 1677-2970
RODRIGUES, Bianca Ferreira; KYRILLOS NETO, Fuad and ROSARIO, Angela Bucciano do. The APAC Method: the emergence of subjectivity in the discourse regarding women. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2019, vol.20, n.1, pp.126-139. ISSN 1677-2970.
Based on the psychoanalytic perspective, in this study we discuss different views regarding women, which are expressed in the discourse of subjects in deprivation of liberty, who live under surveillance of the Association of Protection and Assistance to Convicted (APAC), which uses Christianity as a methodology to seek prisoners recovery. As theoretical framework, we have chosen psychoanalytical perspective, and as method, we analyzed the speech fragments of subjects who participated in a conversation group carried out in this institution. As a result, it could be concluded that these men's discourse concerning on women demonstrates that attempt at imposing norms and social adaptation through religious morality, comes up against the desire, which fundamentally constitutes us as subjects.
Keywords : APAC method; Psychoanalysis; Women.