Revista da SPAGESP
Print version ISSN 1677-2970
RAZERA, Josiane; BEDIN, Lívia Maria Tomasi; MOSMANN, Clarisse Pereira and FALCKE, Denise. FAMILY OF ORIGIN AND CONJUGALITY: CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT THE DIRECTIONALITY OF VIOLENCE. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2022, vol.23, n.1, pp.30-43. ISSN 1677-2970.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare the experiences lived in the family of origin of couples who undergo uni or bidirectional violence. It is a quantitative, descriptive, comparative study in which 304 heterosexual couples participated. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2), and the Family Background Questionnaire (FBQ) were used. For 72.4% of couples, psychological violence was expressed in a bidirectional way, whereas physical violence and sexual coercion, when unidirectional, were more committed by men. The dimension of physical violence was the one that had the most experiences of the family of origin, which differed between the groups. Acting in a preventive way may minimize the perpetuation of relationships that use violence to solve conflicts.
Keywords : Family; Marriage; Violence.