Servicios Personalizados
Psicologia Hospitalar
versión On-line ISSN 2175-3547
BRANDAO, Carmen Lúcia Coutinho et al. A imagem corporal do idoso com câncer atendido no ambulatório de cuidados paliativos do ICHC- FMUSPThe body image of the elderly with cancer treated in the ambulatory of palliative care of the ICHC-FMUSP. Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) [online]. 2004, vol.2, n.2. ISSN 2175-3547.
The research was characterized as a transversal study and had as objectives: i) to investigate the self-referred evaluation of the body image of elder subjects diagnosed with terminal stage cancer and; ii) its association with the representation of the disease. The subjects were been treated at the Ambulatory of Palliative Care of the Medical Clinic of the ICHC-FMUSP. The procedures used were the following: i) partially command interview; ii) Graphic Production; iii) Body Image Scale. The data was evaluated quantitatively by content frequency, and qualitatively through EDAO. The observed findings demonstrated that subjects, had not lost their perception of their possibility to adapt to the limitations imposed by the disease. Consequently, this perception translated in better quality of life. The fact that the study was based in elderly subjects should lead us to expect the manifestation of more negative perceptions, once this stage of life by itself is usually associated with crisis for some and with unfavorable prognosis for others. These positive findings may be justified by the relationship of the subjects with the health care professionals, once quality health care may influence the quality of life and the utilization of the subjects’ own internal psychological resources and capacity to confront the disease.
Palabras clave : Body image; Cancer; Palliative care; Elderly.