Psicologia Hospitalar
On-line version ISSN 2175-3547
ASSUNCAO, Bruna et al. Investigation of the mode of thinking of health care professionals working in ICUs. Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) [online]. 2013, vol.11, n.2, pp.27-41. ISSN 2175-3547.
Objective: To evaluate and describe the prevailing mode of thinking - rational or experiential - among professionals who work in ICUs. Method: Clinical prospective cross-sectional study, conducted in the ICU of Infectious Diseases, Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. The instrument used in this research was the Inventory of Rational Thinking versus Experiential (RVEI-S). Results: There was a predominance of experiential mode (43.5 percent) observed among professionals. When assessing the different modes of thinking of the different categories of professionals, it was found that only among medical professionals was there a balance between the two modes (n=13, 30.7 percent). Conclusion: The rational and experiential systems are important for the performance of different types of tasks, and so perhaps the number of professionals in each mode of thinking reflects the ease and difficulties in dealing with different tasks.
Keywords : Thinking; Health personnel; Intensive Care Units.