Psicologia Hospitalar
On-line version ISSN 2175-3547
BRITTO, Mariana Gonçalves d’Afonseca de; SANTOS, Niraldo de Oliveira and LUCIA, Mara Cristina Souza de. Traumatic event, fibromyalgia and health complications: a case study. Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) [online]. 2014, vol.12, n.1, pp.26-48. ISSN 2175-3547.
Introduction: This article discusses a case of a patient with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and chronic pain, which sought voluntarily psychological care in a referral hospital in the city of São Paulo, to treat their painful symptoms and consequences of history of sexual abuse in childhood. Objective: Thus, we sought to investigate as a traumatic life event and ill prepared can imply a repetition of painful situations, and may be associated with the formation of bodily symptoms. Method: Ten interviews were conducted clinics Psychoanalytic orientation, which lasted about 50 minutes over a period of four months. Results: The interviews were an important vehicle for the exposure of the patient's distress and conflict, which associated the events of sexual abuse during childhood to the emergence and maintenance of the pain (fibromyalgia and chronic pain). Furthermore, it was observed how the patient came to the analyst, voluntarily, which pointed to an overflow of content that were mobilizing at the time. Conclusions: We conclude that a history of sexual abuse of patients could generate implications for health and she held for life not only the place of "abused", but also "abuser" of herself at times when your body manhandled through the repetition of situations where she produced, in an unconscious attempt of elaboration, drive satisfaction. It was also possible to conclude that the psychoanalytic interviews as research method and psychoanalytic treatment were able to promote a redefinition of the internal world of the patient and the consequent change in subject position and the same health condition.
Keywords : Sexual abuse; Chronic pain; Psychoanalysis; Clinical interview; Health psychology.