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Psicologia Hospitalar

Print version ISSN 1677-7409


SOUSA, Mariana Effting de; SCHERER, Alessandra D’ Avila; RAMOS, Flavia Lisboa  and  BAIAO, Vera Baumgarten Ulysséa. The hospitalized patient in the light of the theory cognitive-behavioral. Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.1, pp.19-41. ISSN 1677-7409.

This article aimed to identify the cognitions, emotions and behaviors that emerge in the hospitalization process, presented by patients admitted to general hospitals in the light of the Behavioral-Cognitive Theory. As a research tool, semi-structured interview was conducted relating to illness and hospitalization. Seven patients hospitalized in a general hospital of the city of Florianópolis/SC participated in the survey. The results indicate that the cognitive distortion characterized as a catastrophizing distortion is the most frequent among hospitalized patients. Regarding the emotions presented, it was found that sadness and anxiety were related to both the time of the diagnosis and to the hospital stay. In their reflections on their coping strategies with reference to their particular problems; their reflections on their illnesses and their cooperation with the health teams; what stood out were the emotions expressed about their search for family and religious support.

Keywords : Psychology; Hospitalization; Cognition; Emotions; Behavior.

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