Servicios Personalizados
Psicologia Hospitalar
versión On-line ISSN 2175-3547
ZAMPIROM, Keila y DORO, Maribel Pelaez. Fairy tales: mirrors of the psyche reflected in the psychological intervention with hospitalized children. Psicol. hosp. (São Paulo) [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.1, pp.55-80. ISSN 2175-3547.
This article investigated the effects of the psychotherapeutic resource of fairy tales in psychological intervention with children submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, between February and October 2016. It is a qualitative research in Clinical Psychology based on the Jungian paradigm. The instruments of the study were: semi-structured interview with the child’s primary caregiver; ten books of different fairy tales and free-hand drawing. The collected material was analyzed through the archetypal symbolic processing method. Twenty children and their respective primary caregivers have been recruited. After analyzing the results, six categories were found. The one entitled “Great Mother Archetype” was chosen to be discussed, which has appeared in two fairy tales that illustrated symbolic contents and allowed a profound study about this subject. It was concluded that the use of fairy tales contributes to improve and qualify psychological interventions with hospitalized children.
Palabras clave : Fairy Tales; Psychological Intervention; Analytical Psychology; Hospitalized Child; Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.