Servicios Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional
versión On-line ISSN 1984-7270
MAGALHAES, Mauro de Oliveira; MARTINUZZI, Verônica y TEIXEIRA, Marco Antônio P.. Relationships between cognitive styles and vocational interests. Rev. bras. orientac. prof [online]. 2004, vol.5, n.2, pp.11-20. ISSN 1984-7270.
This research investigated relationships between the theory of vocational personalities of J. Holland and the theory of field independence of H. Witkin. An instrument used to assess field independence and a scale of vocational interests were applied to 186 students (116 women and 70 men), with ages ranging from 16 to 18 years. Results showed differences between the Holland types according to the field independence theory. Predominantly investigative subjects showed higher scores in field independence than the artistic, social and conventional types. Additional analysis indicated that the group composed of realistic, investigative and artistic types exhibited higher scores in field independence as compared to the group composed of social, enterprising and conventional types. These results are in accordance with the literature, and show that more field independent people tend to be more interested in professional fields which require analytical competence with emphasis on abstract and theoretical aspects, and low interpersonal involvement. More researches are necessary to replicate and expand those findings.
Palabras clave : Vocational interests; Cognitive styles; Field independence.