Serviços Personalizados
Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional
versão On-line ISSN 1984-7270
VIEIRA, Diana e COIMBRA, Joaquim Luís. Success in school-to-work transition: perceptions by senior students of portuguese higher education. Rev. bras. orientac. prof [online]. 2006, vol.7, n.1, pp.1-10. ISSN 1984-7270.
The complexity and instability of the world of work challenge the traditional ways of seeing school-towork transition. In fact, nowadays, how can we evaluate success in the school-to-work transition? Which criteria should we base on? Getting a job? Getting paid by the work done? Being happy with job? Considering the job useful and as an advance in career? Starting from a literature review, we tried to analyse the way in which the school-to-work transition has been conceptualized and operationalized. After that, we developed a qualitative study to investigate the meanings senior students of higher education in Portugal attribute to success in the school-to-work transition.
Palavras-chave : Higher education; School-to-work transition; Career development.