Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional
Print version ISSN 1679-3390On-line version ISSN 1984-7270
OLIVEIRA, Íris M. and TAVEIRA, Maria do Céu. Career development and academic processes: A possible and needed articulation. Rev. bras. orientac. prof [online]. 2016, vol.17, n.1, pp.12-18. ISSN 1679-3390.
The literature articulating students' career development and academic processes is scarce. This article defends the possibility and need to articulate career development and academic processes. Theoretical perspectives and empirical contributions informing the articulation among career and academic processes are presented. Based on extant literature, the possibility to acknowledge such an articulation in psychological practice is suggested, offering proposals to promotional and remediate interventions. This work might stimulate the recognition of the possibility and need to articulate career development and academic processes. Implications for further theory, research and intervention in this topic are discussed.
Keywords : professional development; academic achievement; psychological intervention.