Print version ISSN 1679-4427
GOMES, Alana Alves. The position occupied by the Psychoanalysis in the new Mental Health institutions. Mental [online]. 2009, vol.7, n.13, pp.x-x. ISSN 1679-4427.
The present article focuses the discussion of the role of Psychoanalysis in the new environments of mental health, such as the CAPS. This discussion emphasizes the contributions generated by the Psychiatry Reformation and the enrichment of the field of mental health with the adventure of the Lacanian Psychoanalysis, with its theoretical support and its particular optic of the madness. The Psychoanalysis seeks to provide another answer in terms of the treatments available for psychosis in the traditional Psychiatric institutions. For this purpose it offers peculiar and singular treatments, respect and dignity to those who suffer,enabling them to be responsible for their condition of subjects withholders of rights and obligations.
Keywords : Psychoanalysis; psychosis; mental health; Psychiatry Reformation.