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versão impressa ISSN 1679-4427
VIEIRA FILHO, Nilson Gomes e ROSA, Miriam Debieux. Psycho-social clinic: articulating mental health and public family health. Mental [online]. 2011, vol.9, n.16, pp.303-326. ISSN 1679-4427.
This article is a clinical psycho-social case study about a patient in treatment, which connects mental health and the family health strategy. It is part of a participant research conducted in a psychosocial care center providing matrix support to the family health strategy. The results show fragmented itineraries before treatment in this center, in contrast with the pathways articulated in the interactive treatment. The senses of the user's experience of suffering are associated with his mystical Pentecostal worldview, echoing on these different itineraries. The final considerations highlight that no power discourses were observed in care relationships during the interactive treatment. However, there would be a tendency of the user to build a life plan in which a retirement pension seems to be an important target.
Palavras-chave : Psycho-social clinic; psychiatric reform; alternative network; mental health; public family health.