Print version ISSN 1679-4427On-line version ISSN 1984-980X
BORGES, Laiane Felix; OLIVEIRA, Lannuzya Verissimo e; LEITE, Maria Jalila Vieira de Figueiredo and FERNANDES, Sandra Michelle Bessa de Andrade. The implementation of care network of rio grande do norte: advances and challenges. Mental [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.23, pp.102-122. ISSN 1679-4427.
It is a documentary research that aimed to identify the advances and challenges to effective Psychosocial Care Network in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Data collection occurred in the following documents: Regional Action plans of three Health Regions of the State approved in committees Regional Intergestores (CIR) in 2012, Terms of Intentions of seven regions approved the CIRs in the year 2015, State Health Plan the 2012 quadrennium - 2015 and Annual Management Reports of the 2013 2016 that were analyzed the light of descriptive statistics. Identified the reduction of psychiatric beds in the 2nd and 7th health Regions. Regarding the distribution of the devices of the RAPS there is a disproportionality, the 6th and 8th region the amount of devices is low over the other regions. There is a concentration of services in the cities polo, mainly in the 2nd, 4th and 7th regions. And, it was observed that most of the actions proposed in the plans and intentions have not been effective. It is concluded that despite the deployment of specialized care devices RAPS, in all Health Regions of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, your implementation falls short of the recommended.
Keywords : Mental health; Regionalization; Health care.