Serviços Personalizados
Pensando familias
versão impressa ISSN 1679-494X
MACARINI, Samira Mafioletti; CREPALDI, Maria Aparecida e VIEIRA, Mauro Luis. The issue of parenting: contributions to psychologists working in family therapy with young children. Pensando fam. [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.2, pp.27-42. ISSN 1679-494X.
Childrearing and educational practices are important challenges for young children’s parents, and it can be a demand for clinical psychologists. This paper aims to present theoretical models and practical instruments available in the scientific literature on the subject of parenting, which can be used by therapists on their practice with families with young children. A literature review was conducted, based on authors that work with this subject in the Systemic approach, as well as authors who conduct researches about parenting in different contexts, being selected the Parenting Component Model of Heidi Keller. It was also selected and systematized some tools that can be used to assess the various dimensions of parenting. It was concluded that, given fast changes of modern world, even more the psychologist must use new findings from researchers who work with families throughout the different lifecycle stages. Furthermore, clinical practices must always be transformed in accordance with families needs
Palavras-chave : Family therapy; Parenthood; Parenting practices; Parenting beliefs.