Pensando familias
Print version ISSN 1679-494X
ROSSATO, Mara Lúcia. Family therapy as a redefinition of space relations. Pensando fam. [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.1, pp.137-145. ISSN 1679-494X.
It is intended in this article highlight the possibilities of dialogues between two theories, thus contributing to the clinical practice. We discuss the social constructionism and the affinities with learning theory in view of the authorship of thought. Understanding social constructionism as a clinical theoretical approach that emphasizes the relational processes and encourages people to be able to build themselves and the world they live in; understanding learning as meaning production process where the subject is the protagonist and has active role, we may think family therapy as a space for learning and redefinition of relations. The therapist can operate in therapy, like the teaching being active in learning relationship: being a facilitator skills. Moreover, the therapeutic process may be set on an exchange where family and enrich therapist. Both the teaching being as the therapist, these approaches must recognize the legitimacy of the other and enable the authorship. Thus, the therapy becomes a joint construction and not a linear process where the therapist has the knowledge and will convey to the family. In this perspective, the therapist must always be curious and take a questioning attitude and reflection as to what is established, thus opening space for the new and create.
Keywords : Social constructionism; Authorship of thought; Family therapy.