Pensando familias
Print version ISSN 1679-494X
SILVA, Joelson Alves da; SOUSA, Aline Maria Barbosa Domício and FERNANDES-ELOI, Juliana. Homoparenthood in the context of adoption and parental practices: a systematic review. Pensando fam. [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.2, pp.60-75. ISSN 1679-494X.
This article conducts a systematic review having as objective to identify and to discuss prejudices against adoption and homoparenthood in Brazil, using as methodological assumption the quantitative and qualitative approach. This review focuses on articles published on SciELO and PePSIC of database from 2006 to 2015 through combining descriptors: After using inclusion and exclusion criteria, 19 articles were selected to produce the corpus of the analysis made on this review. The findings reveal that, at the year of 2015, there was an extension on empirical studies about homoparenthood, showing, although, few adoptions homoparental. After analyzing the data, it is safe to consider that the publications are scarce and limited, showing the need for promoting more scientific research and discussions on this subject.
Keywords : Family; Homoparenthood; Adoption; Prejudice.