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vol.18 número3Fotolinguajem: um espaço grupal de amparoGrupanálise de psicóticos frente ao desamparo, e a força do vínculo de preservação índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1806-2490


SOUSA, Vaniele Silva de  e  OLIVEIRA, Cintia Regina Macedo. Self-esteem group: CAPS operative group experience. Vínculo [online]. 2021, vol.18, n.3, pp.25-33. ISSN 1806-2490.

This article aims to share a work experience with an operative group that takes place in a public mental health service, namely, a Psychosocial Care Center. That group is composed of subjects who have psychopathological conditions considered severe and who are in a situation of social vulnerability. Based on this understanding, it is intended, in this writing, to carry out an analysis of the aspects considered advances and gains achieved during the development of the group, as well as to discuss the challenges of sustaining a collective such as this in a public health institution. Thus, the particularities of the group process with mental health users will be approached, promoting a reflection on the possibilities of obtaining some improvement, despite the severity of the symptoms. Such experience reveals the power that group work has to rescue and favor singularities, raise self-esteem and give back the right to voice to subjects who, for a long time, were silenced and concealed by diagnoses of mental disorder. Operative groups enrich the patients' daily lives and strengthen the union, promoting identifications and learning that, in turn, enable changes and transformations.

Palavras-chave : operative group; self-esteem; mental health; Psychosocial Care Center.

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