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vol.2 issue1Bonds and social networks among individuals dependent on psychoactive substances under treatment at a CAPS ADCultural competence process in nursing care to injectable drugs users in the damage reduction project in Porto Alegre, Brazil author indexsubject indexarticles search
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SMAD. Revista eletrônica saúde mental álcool e drogas

On-line version ISSN 1806-6976


NAEGLE, Madeline A.. Competencies for nursing care of patients with substance related disorders. SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) [online]. 2006, vol.2, n.1. ISSN 1806-6976.

Nurses and midwives, the largest group of providers, deliver basic and specialty healthcare worldwide. They are uniquely positioned to deliver interventions for drug use, abuse and dependence. Few provide such care however, because their basic educations lacked information and clinical teaching on drug use, treatment of addictions and health. This paper identifies nursing competencies, and gives suggestions for strategies for their development. Competencies development for nurse generalists and nurse specialists should be based on current nursing and other scientific evidence from research studies, consensus statements and practice guidelines. Exemplars of evidence based interventions are described. For purposes of this paper, alcohol is identified as such; “drugs” refers to nicotine, illegal and prescription drugs.

Keywords : Nursing care; Patients; Substance-related disorders.

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