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SMAD. Revista eletrônica saúde mental álcool e drogas

versión On-line ISSN 1806-6976


MATTA, Adriana da; SOARES, Lissandra Vieira  y  BIZARRO, Lisiane. Attitudes of pregnant women and the general population towards psychoactive substance use during pregnancy. SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) [online]. 2011, vol.7, n.3, pp.139-147. ISSN 1806-6976.

Permissive and restrictive attitudes concerning the use of psychoactive substances and medication without prescription during pregnancy and breastfeeding were investigated. Participants in the general population (n=172) and pregnant women (n=137) answered a questionnaire about contexts in which a pregnant or breastfeeding woman could use psychoactive substances and medication or not. The majority chose to restrict the use of these substances. Participants who allowed consumption indicated lower frequency or dosage. Among the pregnant women, a discrepancy was found between attitudes and behavior, as part of them smoked during pregnancy, despite their restrictive attitude.

Palabras clave : Attitude; Pregnancy; Lactation; Behavior, Addictive.

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