SMAD. Revista eletrônica saúde mental álcool e drogas
On-line version ISSN 1806-6976
BARBOSA, Camila Gomes; MEIRA, Paulo Roberto Marinho; NERY, Joilda Silva and GONDIM, Bruno Bezerra. Epidemiological profile of the users of a Psychosocial Care Center. SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) [online]. 2020, vol.16, n.1, pp.01-08. ISSN 1806-6976.
OBJECTIVE: to analyze the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of users of the Psychosocial Care Center II (CAPS II) in the city of Paulo Afonso - Bahia. METHOD: this is a quantitative and cross-sectional study, conducted from the survey of data from patients attending CAPS II of Paulo Afonso, in 2018. Clinical and sociodemographic aspects were obtained from the medical records of the active users of the service whose years of registration ranged from 2006 to 2018. RESULTS: prevailed female gender, single marital status, incomplete elementary school and illiteracy, age between 40 and 49 years, employed persons, non-intensive care and admission by referral. The most frequent diagnosis was in the group of schizophrenic, schizotypic and delusional disorders. The diagnoses were significantly associated with the variable "gender", being the male gender with higher prevalence of disorders in the groups of organic mental disorders, schizophrenia, schizotypic and delusional disorders and mental retardation. The female had a higher proportion in mood disorders and neurotic disorders related to stress and somatoforms. CONCLUSION: the data obtained in this study are relevant to contribute to the direction of improvement strategies and organization of the Paulo Afonso Psychosocial Care Center.
Keywords : Mental Disorders; Epidemiological Profile; Psychosocial Care Center.