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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
versão On-line ISSN 1808-4281
LEAO, Samila Marques; OLIVEIRA, Isabel Maria Farias Fernandes de e CARVALHO, Denis Barros de. The psychologist in the field of social social rights: acting with individuals and families in situation of vulnerability and social risk in CRAS. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.1, pp.264-289. ISSN 1808-4281.
The present study aimed to studying the psychologist action in the Reference Center of Social Assistance (CRAS), to identify the practices developed by these professionals, characterizing such practices with regard to the theoretical methodological tools used and to investigate if these practices are in accordance with provisions and guidelines of National Policy of Social Assistance (PNAS). The investigation strategies used to collect data was a semi-structured interview in-depth conducted with the psychologists. Among the main results it was verified a complex work field and full of contradictions, which oscillates between the guarantee of rights and the maintenance of old practices and difficulties historically present in the Social Assistance Policy, being the psychologist directly affected by this ambiguity and uncertainty, added to the gaps in their professional formation in dealing with social issues and to the diversified demand of this policy, requiring, mainly, multidisciplinary and intersectoral actions.
Palavras-chave : psychologist acting; social assistance; social policy.