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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

On-line version ISSN 1808-4281


PONTES, Alexandre Kerr; MEZA, Ana Paula Santos  and  BICALHO, Pedro Paulo Gastalho de. Science and drug policies: controversies in public policies of compulsory confinement. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.spe, pp.1433-1450. ISSN 1808-4281.

In this article we problematize the ongoing discussion around the public policies of compulsory confinement for drug users that is happening in Brazil, as well as the controversies that emerge from the public debate on drugs and the implementation of these policies. We understand that the articulation between the heterogeneous forces of science, society and technology produce the social understanding of the issues around the thematic of drug use. In that sense, we assert that there is an inseparable relation between knowledge and politics: the act of producing truths - and the consequent production of knowledge - creates worlds that constitute contemporary existential territories: ontologies that are composed from the performative character of social practices. Amid such controversies, our proposal is, based on Actor Network Theory, to draw a map of networks that produce what we understand as compulsory confinement. These controversies led to a strong connection between the heterogeneous forces of science, society and technology produce the social understanding of the issues around the thematic of drug use. In that sense, we assert that there is an inseparable relation between knowledge and politics: the act of producing truths - and the consequent production of knowledge - creates worlds that constitute contemporary existential territories: ontologies that are composed from the performative character of social practices.

Keywords : drugs; science; public policies; controversies; compulsory confinement.

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