Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1808-4281
DAHIA, Sandra Leal de Melo. Consideration on Social Indignation: The Limits of Tolerance to the Suffering of Others. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.3, pp.989-1004. ISSN 1808-4281.
This article approaches the social indignation issue with others suffering based on psychosocial perspective. Inspired by previous study that suggests that high aggressiveness intensity in discrimination acts can provoke indignation, we developed reflections that bring close theoretical works aspects of psychoanalyst Christoph Dejours and sociologist Norbert Elias. Dejours' thought allows understanding how, in psychic level, adaptive tolerance reactions to suffering can progressively built strategy to switch off social responsibility in its production. It shows, through analysis performed in working world, and adhesion to certain social representations contributes to defence mechanisms suffering of others in society today. Such process, according to Dejours, leads to a kind of reaction domestication of social indignation. Starting from a historical point of view, Elias defends the idea of progressive control of emotions. It highlights historical moulding of social and psychic structures on formation of social configuration that informs interaction models, which expressions present, at times, specific emotional pattern. We consider, in this study, the possibility that certain emotional configurations today, with attenuation of indignation reaction, can be recognized as a new emotional pattern, especially against non-ostensive suffering forms. Being able to integrate one of the possible ways of the process civilized.
Keywords : indignation; structures; suffering.