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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

On-line version ISSN 1808-4281


BIANCHI, Daniela Pupo Barbosa; KUBLIKOWSKI, Ida; CAMPS, Patricia Barrachina  and  FRANCO, Maria Helena Pereira. Possibilities of the Gestalt Clinic in the Care of Bereaved Children. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.spe, pp.1018-1035. ISSN 1808-4281.

Grief is understood as the psychic process of elaboration of a loss that breaks with the entire constitution of the inner world and the child's safety, requiring that new forms of adjustment be created. The presence of another support is fundamental for the child to be able to go through their cycles of contact and achieve the satisfaction of their needs in facing grief. Gestalt therapy is a phenomenological-existential approach, focused on dialogic construction, where the therapist-client relationship takes on a central axis. In terms of clinical practice, the therapist stands open waiting for the other human who seeks him, expecting to reveal himself, welcoming the contents, recognizing their manifestation, in a process of acceptance, confirmation and inclusion. In this sense, therapeutic intervention accompanies the expression of play as a language for the child to communicate, understand and assimilate the lived experience. The path chosen for this study was the bibliographic review of Gestalt therapy theorists and studies in mourning in contemporaneity, focusing on the relational bases of these theories associated with clinical case vignettes to broaden the understanding and possibilities of intervention with bereaved children in the clinic gestalt.

Keywords : child bereavement; gestalt-therapy; child psychotherapy.

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