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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
versão On-line ISSN 1808-4281
SILVA, Jefferson da. The Phenomenological-Hermeneutics Mediation in Paul Ricoeur: A Proposal to the Psychotherapist in Face of the Immediacy of Conscience. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.spe, pp.1212-1231. ISSN 1808-4281.
This article has as objective to present the phenomenological-hermeneutics perspective of Paul Ricoeur as a path for phenomenological psychotherapist in face of the risk of the immediacy of the consciousness that judges itself self-evident. The methodological process adopted is based on bibliographical research, with the objective of understanding the concepts of phenomenology, hermeneutics and to apply them to the psychotherapy. The philosopher Paul Ricoeur, starting from the critique of husserlian idealism, affirms that conscience can only understand itself beyond itself, passing through mediations. It is by the critique of idealism that will approach the ricoeuriana perspective of the phenomenological psycotherapist. For the philosopher, hermeneutics is a task that requires effort and desire of being, permeating through the works of culture, and, thus, enabling that existence makes sense. It is by this path, from the ricoeuriana perspective, that the psycotherapist is also invited to leave himself and dive among the works of culture, to be able to understand and help his/her client. It is by way of mediation with such works that it is possible to offer to the psychotherapist a larger vision of his client.
Palavras-chave : phenomenology; psycotherapist; hermeneutics; mediation.