Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1808-4281
MEDRADO, Benedito et al. Connections and Alliances of the LGBT Movement in Pernambuco in the 1980's: the GATHO Memories. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.3, pp.935-957. Epub May 06, 2024. ISSN 1808-4281.
This paper aims to contribute to the visibility of historical narratives about the Pernambuco LGBT movement in the 1980s (at the time defined as homosexual movement), based on the analysis of journalistic productions - digitized and made available in online libraries, originally published in the 1980s - about the work of the Grupo de Atuação Homossexual (GATHO). The 30 publications were organized in an analytical framework, resulting in three lines of analysis: (i) articulations of the Group's political action with other social movements; (ii) articulations and interlocutions of the group in the political arena; (iii) convergences and divergences between the agendas of that movement in the 1980s and the current agendas of the LGBT Movement. We conclude that GATHO articulated with other prominent groups in Brazil, in order to strengthen the resistance movement against the civil-military regime that imposed oppression on sexual diversities, as well as the frequent interlocution with the partisan left. Connections with other groups with more allied agendas were also mapped in the construction of common agendas for demands. In general terms, although there have been changes in the aesthetics and dynamics of the constitution of the movement, it seems that the debate has remained less on identity affirmation and more on confronting discrimination.
Keywords : homosexual movement; memory; history LGBT; documentary research.