Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1808-4281
LEITAO, Consuelena Lopes et al. Project "Conta, Manas": Experience Report with Women-Books in Northern Brazil. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2024, vol.24, e78842. Epub Dec 02, 2024. ISSN 1808-4281.
The “Conta, Manas: Women-Books” project is characterized as an initiative that involves the gathering of narratives from women in the community and women from the university in the form of human books, sharing life-transforming stories with readers. Through a methodology that combines internship and extension activities, the project proposed the integration of an epistemological and political field - feminism - in promoting actions for gender equity within the university. The impact of the project goes beyond the boundaries of academia, aiming to strengthen the voices and power of women in both the community and academic sphere. The project represents a concrete example of how the collaboration between the community and the university can generate significant social transformations. The initiative demonstrates that dialogue and interaction among women from different contexts can drive female empowerment for the development of more equitable relationships. This reinforces the importance of gender equity as a fundamental principle in reducing unequal power relations between men and women.
Keywords : university; community; feminism; gender..