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Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas
versión impresa ISSN 1808-5687
VANDENBERGHE, Luc y VALADAO, Valquíria César. Acceptance, validation and mindfulness in contemporary cognitive behavior therapy. Rev. bras.ter. cogn. [online]. 2013, vol.9, n.2, pp.126-135. ISSN 1808-5687.
The present article reflects on how the terms acceptance, validation and mindfulness are deployed in the contemporary cognitive behavior therapy literature and how they clarify important processes in treatment. By creating an explicit rupture between established and new ideas, these concepts broaden the range of possible therapeutic choices. Contrasting these terms with the more traditional ones in the literature evokes a feeling of discontinuity in cognitive behavioral theory, but also helps unveil an emerging range of possibilities for theory and practice. By elaborating on the meaning and use of the new terminology, the article stresses the tension between the classic therapeutic emphasis on cognitive and behavioral change and a newer vision that explores the interweaving of subjective processes. The article discusses the object of acceptance and the ways in which different treatment models promote it. It considers the various usages and implications of validation. Finally, the article explains the concept of mindfulness and its contribution to validation and to the promotion of acceptance. Together, the three concepts define the distinctive features of an emerging current within the cognitive behavior therapies.
Palabras clave : acceptance; mindfulness; psychotherapy process; validation.