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Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas
versão impressa ISSN 1808-5687versão On-line ISSN 1982-3746
NEUFELD, Carmem Beatriz; PAVAN-CANDIDO, Caroline da Cruz; PAZ, Silviane e MARTINS, Rose Guedes. FBTC contributions to the growth of cognitive therapies in Brazil. Rev. bras.ter. cogn. [online]. 2015, vol.11, n.2, pp.119-128. ISSN 1808-5687.
Cognitive Therapies (CTs) are a set of practices that share theoretical and methodological aspects and have gained recognition for their positive results in treating several mental disorders. In this article, the growth of CTs in Brazil will be addressed from the developments of the Brazilian Federation of Cognitive Therapies (FBCT), a scientific society that has since its inception been fostering growth in the field. FBTC began its formation in the early 1990’s, but only in 2009 it received its current name, in order to house the State Associations of Cognitive Therapies (ATCs) created as from 2005. The first ATC was ATC-RIO, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Other contributions of FBTC were the creation of the Group of Doctors, the Working Group for the Symposium of the National Association for Research and Post-Graduate Studies in Psychology, the organization of the Brazilian Meeting of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Teaching, in addition to its biennial event, and the Brazilian Congress of Cognitive Therapies. The biggest challenges of the federation for the coming years will still be the strengthening CTs throughout the country, as well as their insertion in the curriculum of Psychology undergraduate courses and of medical training in Psychiatry.
Palavras-chave : History; Cognitive therapy; Scientific societies.