Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas
Print version ISSN 1808-5687On-line version ISSN 1982-3746
NEUFELD, Carmem Beatriz et al. Propostas de intervenção e formação de terapeutas e supervisores: Overview dos programas on-line do LAPICCProposals for intervention and training of therapists and supervisors: an overview of LAPICC-USP’S online programs. Rev. bras.ter. cogn. [online]. 2022, vol.18, n.1, pp.114-121. ISSN 1808-5687.
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly influenced the relationships established in society. Social distancing, for example, provoked great adaptations of different intensities around the world. Thus, online interventions have become essential as a way to maintain health care for the population. Therefore, the aim of this article is to report the experience of different online interventions offered at the Cognitive-Behavioral Research and Intervention Laboratory (LaPICC-USP). Proposals for intervention, training and supervision were drawn up to meet the demands that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely: online group intervention; individual online intervention; asynchronous intervention for university students; training of therapists; and a training program for supervisors. All proposals were based on the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy approach, differing by the objective and intensity of each intervention. The results obtained were very positive, elucidating reflections on evidence-based innovation in Psychology, and the construction of interventions anchored in cultural, social and historical adaptations in face of diversity.
Keywords : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Internet-Based Intervention; COVID-19.