Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas
Print version ISSN 1808-5687On-line version ISSN 1982-3746
PAGE, Julia Ovidio; PAVELTCHUK, Fernanda de Oliveira and CARVALHO, Marcele Regine de. Culturally competent cognitive conceptualization: An articulation with the bioecological theory of development. Rev. bras.ter. cogn. [online]. 2024, vol.20, e20240413. Epub Dec 02, 2024. ISSN 1808-5687.
The Multicutural Competency (MC) considers the relevance of understanding social and cultural influences on patients’ health beliefs and behaviors, aiming to propose appropriate and quality interventions. In the field of psychology, studies indicate that minority groups, such as racial, gender and social class minorities, may experience specific social stressors that potentially lead to psychological suffering, highlighting the importance of understanding these stressors to develop a coherent treatment plan. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBTs), the cognitive case conceptualization (CC) serves as a guide built by the psychologist throughout the entire therapeutic process about his patient’s clinical hypotheses. When assisting patients who are part of minority groups, the psychologist must be able to articulate the theoretical-practical framework of the approach, incorporating a culturally competent perspective on the case. The objective of this work is to conduct a narrative review on multicultural competence, aiming to propose directions that can contribute to make the CC more appropriate. From the articulation of the literature on MC, CC and the Bioecological Theory of Development, a theoretical pathway is found that supports the interlocution of environmental and individual factors of development, the impact of different stressors and enables the development of a culturally competent practice.
Keywords : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Cultural Competency; Psychology.