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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
versión impresa ISSN 1809-6867
VIEIRA, Érico Douglas y VANDENBERGHE, Luc. Reflections on Gestalt therapy and psychodrama from the movement of integration of psychotherapy. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2011, vol.17, n.1, pp.75-84. ISSN 1809-6867.
The present article presents reflections on the possibility of a dialogue between Gestalt-Therapy and Psychodrama. The Psychotherapy Integration Movement suggests that no single psychotherapy can arrive at a complete comprehension of the person in his or her complexity. However, every approach to psychotherapy has its philosophy and its look at the nature of suffering and cure. This hinders the dialogue and the exchanges with competing schools. As a result, integration may not go further than superficial eclecticism. We remark that Gestalt Therapy and Psychodrama share a phenomenological-existentialist outlook. And this common trait may aid a true dialogue. Besides, there is a similarity between the clinical styles of both schools, because both underline the dimensions of action and experience. In conclusion, we argue that, by understanding better the other approach, both the Gestalt Therapist and the Psychodramatist can increase their appreciation of the psychotherapy process and grow as therapists. Besides this personal benefit, we believe that the schools of psychotherapy in themselves may become more mature through the contact with the ideas of the other. An open, not dogmatic consideration of concepts and techniques - at times compatible, at others complementary or even opposed - aids supervisors, teachers, clinicians and researchers to question and deepen their own clinical model.
Palabras clave : Gestalt therapy; Psychodrama; Integration of psychotherapy.