Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
SILVEIRA, Andréa Luiza da; CAMBRUZZI, Rita de Cássia Silveira; COSTA, Maria da Piedade Resende da and HERTIWIG, Rose Silveira Von. Corporeity and existence: notes from a phenomenological perspective about the condition of a physical disability person. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2012, vol.18, n.1, pp.30-36. ISSN 1809-6867.
The present paper presents the corporeity in a phenomenological perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Both authors consider the body and the world as co-extensive one to another and unified in the existence. From Merleau-Ponty is adopted the concept of corporeal schema and habit, based in perception as original consciousness. And from Sartre is applied the body concepts that I am, body that I have and the body For-other, based on the understanding about the consciousness as translucent flux of the world. The concepts of both of the phenomenologist express the body as psychic. The human phenomena as motor, insight, performance and perception are psychics. According to the precept of returning to the same things the description comes from the situation to action and from action to situation to understand the meaning of the act, since it is agreed that every human phenomenon is given in act. Moreover, the phenomenology has contributed with the discussion about the corporeity as in the education scope as in the health field pointing to the overcoming of a psychic/body dichotomy and the body machine conception. The referred authors bring to insight the physical disability as a way to launch into the world, offering the bases for the psychological intervention in the case of a person with physical disability. This fact is due to physically handicapped acquired that will face some changes and possibly needs to re-modulate the corporeal schema taking into account the body that I am, the body that I have and the body For-Other.
Keywords : Phenomenology; Corporeity; Physical disability.