Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
LYRA, Sonia. Power of the word and according to Nicholas of Cusa. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2012, vol.18, n.2, pp.155-160. ISSN 1809-6867.
From the moment in which the dialectics of symbols is transposed, toward the mystical experience, it is the power of the word duly potentialized that will move the listener, once there is a hidden force behind each word. The power of the words appears as a contraction of the strength of the mind that "explains" itself in multiple words that are, in their deeper selves, discoursive energetic cores and that can only be understood in this dynamic game that is established between the things of the external world and its internal referent, that is, the mind. Discernment is passed initially, as Nicholas of Cusa proposed, by sensitive images, continuing Jesus' proposal that spoke at the beginning through images, however He also said that the time would come when He would no longer speak through images, but clearly, for the words He received from God He[[he gave them to men, thus fulfilling the prophecy: in the beginning was the Word (In principio erat verbum), in which lies the creative power of the word. Nicholas of Cusa's proposal is that in this theory of knowledge the limitations of the word and of the discourse are acknowledged, registering its dialectics in the intellectual knowledge of Trinity which, in the unity, exceeds all.
Keywords : Nicholas of Cusa; Power of the Word; Dialectics; the Word.