Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
DUTRA, Elza. Formation of clinical psychologist in phenomenological-existential perspective: dilemma and challenges in technical times. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2013, vol.19, n.2, pp.205-211. ISSN 1809-6867.
This paper develops reflections on training of the clinical psychologist in existential-phenomenological perspective, at a time when the technique prevails, even in the field of clinical psychology. Referring to Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology, reflects on the challenges that underlie clinical practices throughout the apprenticeship training of psychotherapists, in dealing with demands immediate and effective responses that are often directed to the clinic. In the opposite scenario holds that scientistic psychology, the perspective adopted in this paper points to a phenomenological attitude, which goes against the natural attitude, thus valuing the idea of a Dasein that exists opening a horizon of meaning and on which would not fit any determination. Some heideggerians ideas as Dasein, being-with, technique and thought meditator guide the reflections. Ends up suggesting that the scope of training constitutes a space in which the thought that meditation may be exercised as one of the possibilities to develop a phenomenological attitude.
Keywords : Heidegger and psychology; Clinical training; Thought meditator in the clinic; Clinical phenomenology and technique.